Sunday, February 15, 2015

Once upon a time...

...there was a thirtysomething who didn't have a particularly extraordinary life or amazing story to tell, but she wanted to tell bits of it anyway (just in case someone else found it interesting). She doesn't consider herself a narcissist and blogging always seemed rather indulgent to her, so it took her awhile to sit down and go forth with typing her tale for public consumption. When she finally found herself in front of a blank screen waiting to receive her words, she wondered, "What the hell should I say?" 

The truth is, I don't know what exactly I'll write about on here. I don't have a theme in mind; perhaps one will present itself along the way. I'm not sure how often I'll write or whether anyone will read, but like everyone else, I have a story. It's the tale of a girl-woman who's a little quirky and a lot opinionated, sometimes self-doubting, frustratingly restless, and fumbling through a life filled with unexpected adventures. I either have incredibly bad luck or epically poor decision-making skills (likely a combo pack) and consider myself sort of a spokesperson for "choosing the wrong hand." I think a lot of people can probably relate to feeling that way sometimes.

So go ahead. Feel free to have a laugh or two at my expense. Identify and commiserate with me. Judge me, my opinions, and my missteps. Let's compare experiences and decide whose are cooler, or have a serious debate about use of the Oxford comma. If you're so inclined, drop me a line or share me with your friends.

Let's do this shit.

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